About Me
Hi! I’m Danielle
Thanks for being here. Knowing you have limited time in your busy life, I appreciate that you chose to stop by and spend some with me.
After realizing there are very few blogs for women who recently joined the ranks of middle age (eek) and the changes that are happening in our lives, this blog was born. This stage of life makes for some interesting adventures, trials, and fun times!
A little about me…
Some people call me Dani or D. Being called D is sometimes confusing around my eight siblings, since all of our names start with a D.
For the past 7 years, I’ve worked full-time as a social media manager for a manufacturer in the Detroit, Michigan suburbs.
The older I get (currently 51), the more introverted I get. I’m a deep thinker and observer who spends a lot of time in my head.
This is one of the reasons why I started this blog. I’ve been wanting to write out my thoughts and share with others who are discovering things in this stage of life and enlighten others that may not understand the introvert life.
Being single with no kids in midlife brings on its own challenges and adventures, especially in the dating and relating realm. These make for fun and unique stories.

Travel and exploration are passions of mine and I’ve been fortunate to have seen quite a bit of this big, beautiful world.
Whether it’s a new restaurant in my neighborhood or a city halfway around the world, my bucket list is full of places to see and adventures to have.
I’ll be sharing about my travel adventures, tips, and things I’ve learned along the way.

(with a nod from my Dad in Heaven)
💗 My Mom. I’m grateful and so fortunate to still have her in my life.
She’s 88 and has an adventurous spirit and more energy than me!
Part of midlife, if you’re lucky, is learning how to navigate the aging parent path.
And experiencing loss and figuring out how to deal with grief is part of the deal. This is something I have first-hand knowledge of, unfortunately.
My dad had a massive stroke in 2001 and after having been told he wouldn’t survive it, he lived a good life for 10 more years. Boy, did we have some funny adventures! I miss him every day.
I love all kinds of food; making and eating it which has put me on a quest to lose weight. Middle age and menopause don’t help either. I’m currently loosely following the Mediterranean diet. My doctor recently recommended this as the best type of diet to follow.
Since accountability is helpful to me, and soo many others online have been vulnerable in their journey, I plan to share my favorite recipes, meals and how my progress is going. In hopes that this will be helpful for you too.
I’m not a big fan of hot flashes, spiders, and huge crowds.
This is an interesting plot twist since I am the youngest of nine siblings and have close to 30 nieces and nephews and a growing number of great-nieces and nephews. Go figure. 😉
Lucky for us we’re a close-knit family who loves to get together. I couldn’t ask for a better tribe.
photo credit B.A. Smiers Photography
If you’re into personality tests, like me; I’m an INFP on Myers Briggs, a 4 on the Enneagram, and Quality Time is my top love language. My sun sign is Pisces.
Midlife is definitely better with friends!
My hope is that you’ll join me on this journey of discovering midlife by subscribing to the blog.
Since life isn’t a one-way street, nor can we do it alone, I’d love for you to share what you’re uncovering and navigating in your own life.
Feel free to comment on blog posts that resonate with you and meet me on social media: Facebook and Instagram. #discoveringmidlife
My wish is that we will help each other through our experiences and have some laughs along the way.
I’d love to know something about you. Share with me in the comments.